"Kehilangan" by Firman

Sejujurnya ku tak bisa
Hidup tanpa ada kamu aku gila
Seandainya kamu bisa
Mengulang kembali lagi cinta kita
Takkan sia-siakan kamu lagi....

Oh, sorry i'm just not in a good condition right now...

yup, thats explaining both songs that are being currently repeating in my playlist. those are freaking hurtful and distressful kinda song.  huhu..should add another one in the list, "Sayang" by UNGU. yup, those 3 songs are the Indonesian and i wonder why they made a great heart-breaking song?!

as for this song, the lyrics had nothing to do with me since i'm not breaking anyone's heart because i'm the one whos being hurt here. but still this song could automatically turn your mood into sorrow....

how can love hurts people so much?


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