LOOK #22 - HFW DAY 5 : Jummah


Salam....Woohh it is already 2 days left for this Hijabi Fashion Week to say "Good Bye" ("^^) and the theme for today is the day itself which is Jummah. who doesn't love friday? it is the end of the hectic week and the beginning of the FUN WEEKEND!

Honestly, first i was stuck by the theme as i don't get what they meant but what i know is usually today people will wear something proper and modest. Most of the Malay girl including ME ^^ will pick up the most convenient choice which is our traditional wear, Baju Kurung.

Day 5 (June 03) - Jummah

Jummah Jamaat (Friday Prayer) is very specific to Islam and the sunnah says to wear something simple, clean, and new if you can! What's your favorite thing to wear when visiting the mosque?

now let me apologize to you as these are the repeated photo of the last year Eidulfitri because i don't get the chance to shoot the new one. HOHO..yup it is really really simple NO EXTRAVAGANZA add-ons like other look since it is JUMMAH kan~ (">.<) haha..by the way this is my FAV baju kurung ever. it is soft, flowing and so-romantic with the lace detailed on it!

thus, girls this is the time for you to get inspired by the other beautiful stylish ladies at loveHFW, go and check them out k~

lastly, HAPPY FRIDAY and the HFW is to be continue...


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  1. cantik la your baju kurung! loving the lace!<3 :))

  2. tq syah..yup love this bju kurung so much bcoz of that lace lah~ haha

  3. hahaha comel je you nih..geram rase nak cubit2 pipi..lol...by the way, i also love the black lace..makes it stands out with the white kurungs..double love!!

  4. hahahha..tq lylia u r welcome 2 cubit my pipi~ hahah =D


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