Look #50 - My American College Look

atlast, i've got my own American College Jacket which i've been looking for it quite a long time. yup, another thrift item that i've found up at the Cameron Highlands during my vacation on the last weekend. honestly, i'm not really into the colour but it was the only one left, so no choice, just pick and paid!

well, this jacket was actually the hot trend during the last winter whereas lot of the Lookbookers were styling it stylishly. its really a big deal though as Malaysia is always summer in here, so i have to visit the low temperature places to wear it because KL is HOT! hey, you must be crazy walking around KL in this thick jacket since i was still sweating while this photo were being taken! haha..

now, why i LOVE this American student sweater? hehe..simply because it is EDGY and it is COOL! anyhow, i'm not really fancy those photo as i look so big on the upper part and tiny on the lower one, huh?! what i meant is instead of the pear, i look like a strawberry. LOL!

last word, the PICK-YOURSELF strawberry activity is really FUN and i'm seriously satisfied with the fresh taste of the fruit. yummy! ^^


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  1. yunk, no need to mention that thing lor~

  2. students korean kat U tulus, tiap winter mesti pakai ju camni then pakai skinny. hurm..style2. ehhe

  3. hahaha ok YANA CYG..i've edited the words n sentences! hehehehe

  4. tulus sweet--> hehe yup this is mostly cn be seen oversea lar coz mmg panas sweater ni!hahahhahah..even kat cameron pon xle mnempung! hehe..tq 4 liking it ^^


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