South Sea Seafood Restaurant, Kampung Baru Subang (1st Visit)

South Sea Seafood Restaurant
No. 299, Jalan Dua A,
Kampung Baru Subang, 
40000 Selangor.

Honestly, this was almost two months ago when my company had an annual dinner at the mentioned restaurant. As obvious as the name, this restaurant is based on seafood servings and the traditional Chinese cuisine. the concept of the seafood is 'Alive & Kickin' which means the seafood are sure to be very fresh like just being caught from the sea. please refer to the sneak peak of their fascinating tanks which placed all the lively creatures down there. A-mazing!

Now, lets ramble about the long-listed menu. we started the course with the traditional Chinese custom where everyone is tossing and mixing up those colourful stuff by using the chopstick. sorry dear, i forgot the name lor, need SOS here! 

Then, one by one of the food being served on the table. i will only ramble on the best one yar and sorry, assuredly i don't have the exact name of the menu as it is not appropriate for me to ask the receipt from my bos! LOL so, i just can assume the name based on other's review, my personal experiences and my own taste buds! hahaha

Initiating the long trail menu is the creepy Australian Lobster Sashimi. his appearance is enough to steal everyone's attention as he is still alive though~ although the middle part was already being cut and taken out as ready to be eat freshly! well, you can choose to eat it as a raw or dip into the hot herb stock which has strong smells and tastes of the herbs. Errr~ 

well, i've done both but would say that i'd prefer with the 'Yuck' herb soup too!, the meat tastes just like a prawn but  thicker and chewy. The expected pricey cost of it still shocking me. this specific lobster is cost RM320 - RM360 per kilogram. hmmm..thank God, i was not the one who paying the bills. haha

This crab cook with chili (kam heong) should be in your list of menu as the crab's flesh is undeniable tender although i'm quite lazy to handle the shell and so-on but the chili sauce is really tempting as it is sweet and not really spicy, just enough. the chili sauce is covering all over the crabs that will make you licking the shell till clean! ;)

This is my second favourite. the name is clam or shellfish (thanks Mr. Google!) and it taste just like the "lala". they are very well cook with the soy sauce made it a bit sweet &sour. well not to mention that their size are XL and really really delicious. oh, salivating, love this! 

The third photo and the 3rd favourite of mine is the Siakap steamed with the seasoning. yup, as delicious as i have tasted at other places, the flesh is obviously fresh and not overly done and yet one of the must-order too when visiting this place.

The last one is the raw oyster. yup, not my first time having this but this succulent and mouth-watering seafood will be nicer if you squeeze some lemon onto it before go into your mouth. it is actually depending on individual but i can't really handle the raw taste of it. thumbs up on the size and again, the freshness!

So, based on the traditional Chinese costume, they end the course with the main dish! lor it is absolutely new to me as the fried noodles with the balance meat from the lobster was being served at the final stage when everybody was already full. so, we tapau half of it balik rumah! well, the fried noodles was just as the ordinary one but somehow the lobster meat tastes more tempting since it is being cook and finely mix with the noodle's sauce. yup, love the closing!

Not just the seafood is fresh, well the fruits are also A-class. yup, this is the ending. Now, continue scrolling to see the stunning row of LIVE creatures below. p/s can someone tell me what is the geoduck??? seriously gross and don't lust on it at all!! it halal??

Oh, i'm freaking loving the open concept in here. i was totally amaze by the crystal-clear water in the tanks, the simple decoration and the tidy arrangement of it. plus, i was also impressed by the king size of those creatures. yup. everything is huge in size; the lobsters, the crabs, the crams, the cockles and even the fishes!

Well, when the size is big, apparently the wallet should be big as well. haha..of course, i didn't know the total lost of this dining but can tell you that i'm estimating the total bill was almost RM3,000 for the 12 of us. hmm..not sure at all just asking my senior colleague hahaha...

Hence, the last words from my humble opinion; yup, a recommended dining place for seafood lover and Chinese cuisine diner with a thick money in the hand. haha...TWO THUMBS UP for the overall experience! :)

Oh, i should credit some of the blogs that i've referred for the name of the menu and pricing. they are tummy-rumble , perut besiPureGlutton and of course, Mr. Google! hahhaha...tqsm and bow.

Overall experience
Food : 4.5/5
Ambiance : 4.5/5  (haha should visit the restroom haha)
Pricing : 4/5 (expensive but worthy)
Guide for Muslim : No Halal JAKIM certificate | Pork-free
Yup ive check that dishes were NOT cook with alcoholic huhu but it depends on individual yar!

* Photos are credited to my Canon EOS550D *


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  1. so yummmyy...semua mknan diatas sgt menyelerakan..:)

  2. hehehe...but the way it was being cook were not really my favourite...haha cth cam udang n sotong tuh but as long as bende FREE..layan heheh tq dear :)

  3. Nice review. Anyhow halal ke? Didn't notice the halal sign is the reason question asked. Perhaps if you snap the halal sign would ease readers curiosity...just a suggestion.

  4. Nice review. Anyhow halal ke? Didn't saw the halal sign the reason question asked. Perhaps if you could snap the halal sign would ease the readers tummy =)

  5. aloohhhhh dear i didnt have the shot..hmm yup it is a very great idea..iAllah will do it after this...tqsm!

  6. lepas diorang masak menu yg ada guna wine tu,diorang samak ker senduk atau kuali yg dah kena wine tu. Diorang tau samak ker? Dan sudahlah di asingkan perkakas dapur untuk yg tujuan arak yg haram tu, kalau semua diasing dan masak di dapur yg asing baguslah.
    sekadar perkongsian semoga apa yg kita makan di redhai sbb selalunya nampak mcm simple tapi disebabkan satu benda haram semua timbul keraguan.
    Kedai pork free dan halal jakim restaurant adalah dua restaurant yg berbeza.

    1. thanks dear, this post was quite a few years ago when i was still not really concern on that... hmmmm my bad... insyAllah nowadays imma so much aware of the difference between the really halal one and the Pork-free but still learning! seriously, thanks a lot for the reminder yar :)

  7. Replies
    1. yup already state as in the disclaimer, this is a NOT HALAL resto. tq


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