[Whats Up KL?] SEPHORA Pre-Opening in Sunway Pyramid VIP Party

Salam and Hey beauties! :)

Finally its here, applause people!! haha yup, this was happening on the last 19.10.13. goshhh sorry for the pending as i just couldn't find the time to sort everything in here. thanks for those who are eager waiting for this update as it encourages me to fasten it too. bow.

Recently, SEPHORA has widen its influence among the Subang Jaya clan to be specific. a new branch is being launched at Sunway Pyramid which i was being invited to parteyyyhhh with the other VIP invitations. thanks for the great moment though.

Oh i'm so impress with the overall celebration as the 'black carpet' starts from the outdoor entrance gathering us there to enjoy the light refreshment and mingling with each other. then, watching the samba performance that successfully attracted the shoppers and followed by a futuristic runway which displaying makeup used of diverse products from SEPHORA.

the appetizer of the evening.
oh oh he is envying my Note3! *think positive*
partner-in-beautyandfashion, Miss SyafiqahHashimxoxo :)
again meeting the cutie, Ashley :)
thanks Sher for always being so nice and shhweettt! ahakks~!
project runway! "one day you're in and the next day you're out" :P
oh gosh she is showcasing the manicure but her nails are ugly!!
the RM100 voucher to be used only on that night. tqsm!!
bought a Benefits hot-selling-concealer, soon will share in here.
puhhlezzz envy! yup soon will also reveal this awesome door gift as well, wait ah! :P

So, that night the store is only open for us and we're also have been given a RM100 voucher to be redeem only on that night! yup got 3 things for myself; Benefits Booling, pencil liner and make-up remover which dying to share my verdict in here. ohh oh will do will do, promise!

The most crucial part of this event is the door gift. oh my gadddd, my jaw was literally dropping when receiving the 4 items of SEPHORA which sure-fire will share in details in here. soon soon. thus, thanks again Sher for invited me to be part of the show and i do promise will be a loyal customer in future as i am deeply falling in love with SEPHORA eyeliner and glittery eyeshadow which are incredibly gorgeous!

Therefore, make your visit there or maybe can check their official FB page to stay update.

thanks a lot for reading, supporting and lovessss. till then! :)


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  1. what's in the goodie bag omg!! I love Sephora!

  2. Best night everrr!!
    Seriously awesome..
    Thank Sher and Kak SUzai..happy gilarrr..hahahaa...

  3. jeles sgt aih..btw korang berdua mmg mcm kembar


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