[Photo and Fancam] Leesang 1st Asia Showcase 2013 Live in Malaysia (Finally Date my Running Man's Gary oppa!!!)

Gary oppa, saranghaeyo!!  >.<

OMO yup i was there to date Running Man's Kang Gary oppa!!! haha as mentioned previously got my last minute tix around 2pm, 5 hrs before the show started. it was at Kenanga Wholesale Mall, KL which is my very first time enjoying a concert there. hmmmm....not bad tho when my seat was at the very last row. seriously, it was more more than fun as we're standing on the chair lorh because nobody behind us! =D *big smile bis fun*

OK now pertaining on the show itself. honestly, i have never yet listening to Leesang's songs and ashamedly admit that that evening was the first time. Errr...remember my main reason of going to the show is because of KANG GARY oppa!! huhu mianhae yeo Mr Gil but now i have to claim that I AM A FAN of Leesang, Gary and Gil. hey, surprisingly their songs are all KILLER!

pointless right? yup lets the vid proof it. PLAY the LIVE video below that i've successfully recorded by my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. sorry guys, that is the best shot that i could give lorh.....hmmm

Besides this song called as "Ballerino" , can also try to hear "Girl who can't break, guy who can't leave" ohh and the MV that featuring Ji Hyo, Monday Couple version lorh entitled "Tears" which a duet with Eugene of Seeya. seriously what a great song they have!!

Disclaimer: Hwaiting LEESANG and guys, my KPOP addiction is still Alive! hehe


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  1. Hi long time no see. But I'm here because of LeeSsang, a fan here, almost a hardcore at that :p

    But maybe you would like to revise the part saying Ji Hyo features in Tears MV. No, Ji Hyo never featured in any official LeeSsang MV. Fanmade, yes, many. But official MV, never :)


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