Subak @Bukit Lanjan, K.L [first visit]

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Subak,Lot 3213, 
Jalan Penchala Indah,
Bukit Lanjan 60000,
Kuala Lumpur.

Subak is the name of the restaurant. it was actually taken from the water irrigation system in Bali island. yup, its clearly state that the whole concept of the restaurant is borrowed from the Balinese amazing architecture. located as in the address above and it is seriously hidden between the 'jungle' of Damansara and at the hilltop just besides the Penchala link highway. well, it just about 10 minutes (i guess~) from the e@curve Mutiara Damansara.

the sophisticated menu book.

this restaurant is basically served our local dishes mix with the international fare. all the menu was setup by Hassan Abdullah who was the former Executive Chef in several major 5 stars hotel in the country. so, no wonder the extravaganza presentation of the food is freaking admirable!

calm down people, before you were being stunned with the EXTREMELY LUXURIOUS and SUPER COSY look of this restaurant, let me introduce you to our orders of the night. be ready with tons of scrumptious photos that were successfully captured by my Canon EOS 550D. heart it!

Tomyam udang galah - RM20

now, the crucial part to be discuss is the taste. start with the tomyam udang galah which is filled with only 2 big udang galah and together served with a plain rice. yup, the ingredient is only that 2 big udang galah but thanked God as the tomyam soup was really good. it tasted like the usual Thai's tomyam (well, without the coconut milk lor) and it was thick enough for you to cough on the 1st taste. hmm..RM20 for a great tomyam, 2 real-big prawn and rice. OK lor~

Subak's fettuccine carbonara - RM36

next is the Subak's fettuccine carbonara. obviously, it was not mine as i'm not the fan of carbonara cream because i prefer the bolognese more as the sauce. so, i'd say that it was OK as i was still able to handle the creamy cream sauce without any feeling of vomiting existed. hehe..and that grilled salmon tasted just like the ikan merah yang selalu orang masak sup tuh. hehe..

Tenderloin steak - RM68

Tenderloin steak is the most expensive menu in the restaurant and the most expensive steak that i've ever ate. don't ask me which part of lembu is tenderloin was taken? haha..because i don't have any idea on why it was super pricey for that only particular part and surprisingly, it was really a small one lor. just look at the empty spaces around the plate, its real-stingy huh?! guys, can you just cover the emptiness with bunch of fries or maybe throw some veggies there? seriously, i cannot accept the price based on the contain since i'd say that the taste was just like the ordinary beef steak! hmm...maybe i was already disappoint with the performance at the first place. so, it might effected my review here........

Grilled rack of lamb - RM58

then, here is my order and my fav one! fyi, i always love my steak to be a grilled lamb because i really love the sweetness and juiciness of the lamb flavour. assuredly, i asked for a well-done cooked and it is seriously tempting once it got into your mouth. yup, you can taste the lamb flavour very well and the meat is tender enough for you to just chew a bit and ta-da just swallow it...hehe. again, i was a bit disappoint with the limited veggies there plus i don't fancy the mashed sweet potato since i'd prefer fries over it. however, i still considered this is one of the best grilled lamb i've ever taste. thumbs up!!

The drinks plus the iced cappuccino - RM6 to RM10 (try to guess which one is mine?! hehe) 

OK, i will not describe one-by-one of the colourful drinks above as it doesn't exist in my memory anymore., i'd say it was all specially customized by the restaurant where you couldn't find it anywhere else. so, you just have to try it by yourself lor. hehe..

now, the moment you have been waiting for, the nature-feeling decor of the Subak restaurant. people, prepare your sight with the fabulous fake forest look plus the romantic feeling executed by the dim light from the candles. it is so romantic!

its REALLY STUNNING, huh?!! i love the wooden furnishes used in there (its so Balinese~), the relaxing ambiance and the whole forest look with the akar-akar pokor yang bergayutan at everywhere. i'm falling in love with it once i stepped into it!

well, my fav part would be the man-made pond with the bridge across it that surrounded with the akar-akar pokor yang bergayutan tuh kan..haha. well, it was actually recommended by my sister who also told me that there is another section of the restaurant which is the loteng but it was closed on that night. so, i don't have the opportunity to witness the beautiful view from there lor~

anyhow, let me conclude that Subak is really a worth to visit. just saved the money beforehand since i consider it as an approximately a 4 star hotel level. yup, it is really expensive to be call as a restaurant. haha..but still the ranking of the overall performances including the food, the taste, the pricing and the elegant concept is 4.0 out of 5!

lastly, as usual THANK YOU ALONG for paying the bills which was dedicated for my birthday. insyAllah i'll try to pay it all back soon. the owner of Subak, you guys can appreciate this review by just offering me the 'Grilled Rack Of Lamb' and i will satisfy enough by it. haha..

thus, i'd like to END this sooo loooong food review with salivating over my fav Grilled Rack Of Lamb. oh i miss it! hehe....thanks for reading dearest. X)

CLICK HERE to view more orders of my Second Visit!


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  1. why i never knew about house is so near to Curve you so much Suzai..your review is well said, and err okay maybe we can have that grilled lamb together ROFL..really appreciate the effort, as i've been searching for a romantic place to celebrate my bf's bday this coming May..maybe we should try this place..thanx a lot again Suzai!! hugs

  2. i know y u dont know its existence dear...bcoz DIE SGT TERSOROK!!! hahaha..seriously, my sis pon tau officemate y introduce. yup, mmg sesuwei sgt la utk romantika mood dear..haiyoo jeles sy! hehe..btw klu nk date ngan i utk lamb xd hal dear just text me try the FB..hehe really looking forward 2 meet u lylia ^^


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